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Far Far Left: Enantiornithes indet. GSGM-07-CM-001, Procreate
Far Left (Top): Chunerpeton tianyiensis CAGS-IG-02051, Procreate
Far Left (Bottom): Betta Fish Betta splendens, Colored Pencils
Left: Umbrella Cockatoo Cacatua alba, Graphite

Far Left: Flammulated Owl Psiloscops flammeolus and Ponderosa Pinecone Pinus ponderosa, Pyrography on Wood
Left: Tianyuraptor ostromi, Procreate
Right: Vertebrate Paleofauna of the Crato Formation, Procreate

Far Far Left: Golden Buprestid Buprestis aurulenta, Ink and Wax Pastel
Far Left: Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus, Colored Pencil
Left: Pinecones of Oregon, Ink and Photoshop
Top: Novumbra oregonensis, Procreate
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